Friday, July 20, 2007

Damn you, Mr. Disney!

Recently, my daughter discovered Mickey Mouse. Well, rather, I introduced this oh-so-sweet animated character to her. Tivo (bless its heart - love it) made a suggestion that we watch the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I previewed it for a few minutes, thought it was adorable, and allowed Princess to watch it one particularly trying afternoon when I needed a moment of sanity. Yet in this weak moment, my sanity may have been eradicated forever.

She LOVES it! And not the "sure, I'll watch it when it is on" tv show love; this is the "I need to see it right now, all the time" kind of love. While I understand her desire to watch the show over and over again (it's a bit like my continuing obsession with Sex and the City), I cannot take that squeaky, giggly mouse voice for one more second. We limit her to two shows a day, and those 50 minutes of sheer delight for her are 3000 seconds of nails on a chalkboard to me. Mickey sounds a little like Karen from Will and Grace. It's funny for Karen's character because she is playing a dimwitted drunk. Mickey is supposed to be the clubhouse leader! For god sakes maybe he should sound like one rather than a sissy kid who pees in the school's sandbox!

Of course, Mickey Mouse is about as American as they get. So far be it from me to trash the big earred fellow with such venom. I just wish Mr. Disney had considered using a lower octave when developing Mickey's voice. I suppose he was trying to create a voice that kids would find amusing. I guess he thought the voice was endearing and sounded like a tiny mouse would had God intended mice to speak (He did not, and now I know why). Or maybe Mr, Disney was just a dimwitted drunk at the time. I think I'll do some research.

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