Friday, August 17, 2007

A New Romance...

This entry is a two-parter, so bear with me.

Last night, my husband and I (unable to bear watching the Yankees lose again, but we still love them) watched a rerun of Scrubs. Those of you who have never seen it are really missing out. It is a quirky, entertaining show with at least one laugh out loud moment in each episode. Anyway, this episode was the season finale from last year, one of my favorites. See one of the main characters, Elliot, gets engaged to her boyfriend, Keith. But her old boyfriend and still good friend, JD, looks on and realizes he still loves her. It is a wonderful scene with a great song playing in the background. I decide to go on a mission to track down that great song...and my whole world opened up.

I began on iTunes, searching for my "best guess" song titles and possible artists. No luck. Hmmm...I really needed this song. So I thought "Let me give this web site the kids call 'YouTube' a try." Oh my goodness...I will never turn the computer off again.

First, I found the Scrubs scene I described above in about 3 seconds, thus finding the song title (as the person mentions it in their Notes section). you want to watch it too? It's so simple...just click here. Or maybe you'd like to check out my other favorite scene of all time from the show where Turk dances to Bel Biv Devoe's song "Poison?" Oh, you do? Then just click here .

Amazing, isn't it? I thought I was so advanced by getting Tivo (and I love my Tivo). But I had no idea sitcoms' highlight reels were right at my fingertips! So you know what I did for the rest of the night? That's right...I searched for every freakin' favorite tv moment I could think of. You know what I realized next (here comes part 2)? I am a sucker for the sitcom romances.

Yep, that's right people. I love Ross and Rachel's first kiss in the coffee shop. You too? Here it is. I love their break up (you get the picture now - find that one on your own). I love the ups and downs of Jim and Pam on The Office. I even find a place in my heart for those crazy preteen sweethearts Kevin and Winnie of The Wonder Years. And, of course, Carrie and Mr. Big from Sex and the City. Now, thanks to the magical powers of YouTube, I can relive these tv moments over and over again. Bless you Mr. Internet Inventor. Double blessings to the guy or girl who started You Tube.

Yes, I appreciate the guy who invented fire and the other one who figured out pencillin, thanks for those. But You Let's just say if you need me, I'll be hanging out at some coffee shop (maybe Central Perk) laughing and crying over Carrie and Aiden (because didn't they really belong together?). OK (reality check), I'll probably be home on the couch with Princess at my knee and my husband rolling his eyes at my latest obsession, but I was trying to paint a more romantic picture. You and my new beau, YouTube, sharing a latte and some giggles.

Stay tuned. It's going to be a great love story.

1 comment:

Bookgirl said...

I love Scrubs. And you just totally made my day, giving me the opportunity to watch the BBD dance again. Working Mom, you are my hero on this Monday morning.