Wednesday, February 27, 2008

got hope?

Oh just don't get it.  

He's the golden boy now.  He's the guy.  He's the one that millions of U.S. citizens believe can and will inspire a nation.  He makes people feel something they haven't felt in a long time - hopeful.  You just can't do that.  

Now, you try.  We can see it at the rallies especially.  You have a fantastic smile.  You can clap to a beat.  You give the good ol' "thumbs up" sign.  You point to people in the crowd and mouth "thank you" as if you just ate dinner at their houses. You wave to the crowds like a former Miss America second place finisher who truly believes the audience knows who she is.  But something is wrong.  

As I watch you at rallies, in debates, and in diners (remember the tears?), I believe you are running this campaign based on a deep need to be vindicated.  You want those politicians who tried to bring your family down with Whitewater and blue dresses to have to answer to you.  You want to show Bill that you are a person who is respected by the American people.  You want to be remembered as a great President not the wife who stayed with an unfaithful one.   

It's selfish Hillary, and people do not respond to selfish.  Now I really don't think most people are acutely aware that this redemptive desire drives your campaign.  I am not sure you have even allowed yourself to consciously recognize it.  However, every undecided voter I talk to says something to the effect of, "I don't know.  There's just something I don't like about her." That something is your burning need to set the record straight.  You have brains.  You have guts.  And you are desperate for everyone to know it.  

But now you have entered a new domain; now you are bitter.  Who does Barack Obama think he is swooping in to steal your moment?  This was yours...go back 5 years and check the polls.  Everyone said you would win.  But you are not winning.  And you are pissed.  That anger is palpable.  In last night's debate, your poorly crafted attempts to stand-up for yourself while also disparaging Barack's positions sounded whiny and mean.    If you couldn't inspire a nation when you thought you were the "sure thing," did you think you would inspire a nation by badgering Brian Williams about which questions you are asked and in what order? 

Of course Maureen Dowd's editorial in today's New York Times does a much better job than I have in analyzing your campaign's disintegration, so I highly suggest you read it.   But if you don't have time (as I suspect you don't because you are busy getting those tax returns ready), just think about this for a moment.  

We live in a country where people are as desperate to be seen and heard as you are.  They don't want to compete with you for your attention.  They know that once you get into that big house, you will take advantage of every opportunity you have to prove yourself to all those who doubted you.  People feel like Senator Obama hears them.  They believe he wants to work hard to make their lives better.  They know he has years of experience doing just that whether it was working as a community activist, a civil rights lawyer or a politician.  

But most poignantly, he makes people believe in themselves again because he truly believes in them.  And that, dear Hillary, is what hope is all about.        

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Show Must Go On...

Yep, a beloved American tradition has finally arrived.  The first snow day of the school year!  While most children romp in pillows of snow, my Princess sobs uncontrollably.  "But Mommy, it's movie star day at school!"  Yes, my daughter is devastated because it is Red Carpet Day at her preschool, and she is stuck hanging out with her mom.  Red Carpet Day is fun.  All the little tots dress up in their fanciest attire, walk the red carpet (plastic tablecloth), wave to their adoring fans (teachers), conduct interviews with nosy reporters (teachers again) and have their pictures taken by the surging paparazzi (school directors).  But the snow has taken all that joy away from my little girl.

So at 9:30 a.m. when most children are stuffing themselves into inflatable snowsuits and moonboots, Princess is donning her black velvet dress, expertly accessorized with pink jewelry, pink sequin pocketbook and her blue Cinderella headband.  Wearing no shoes (because they would only slow her down), she struts her stuff on our makeshift runway proclaiming that she is a movie star and a princess.  The paparazzi did show....

 along with her adoring fans (aka mom and dad).  She laughs in the face of snow day traditions! Who needs sleds and snowballs when you can have photo shoots and ivory bows?

I honestly don't know where she came from.  This sports-loving, long-devoted feminist remains stunned at the girly girl way my daughter walks through her life.  But she is fabulous!  And I am so lucky she is mine.

Happy Snow Day!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Having some bad days at work...bear with me as I muse about what I career I could have instead:
  • Personal chef...for non-picky friendly families only
  • Writer...probably of children's books b/c my attention span lacks stamina
  • Candle shop least my office wouldn't smell like the home-ec room all the time
  • Event planner...again, for nice, reasonable people only 
  • Professional book club facilitator...just love talking about books
  • Bookstore owner...the independent kind with charm, loyal customers, and no nearby Borders.
  • Gourmet food buyer...spending my days tasting great cheese - heaven
  • Consultant...maybe I'd be more effective in my career if the same people didn't piss me off everyday
  • Photographer...for Sports Illustrated - I love their photography
  • Teacher...oh wait - I gave up that career for this one...(sigh)
What would you do instead?

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Biter

Princess was attacked.  

The attacker's teeth missed her eye by less than a centimeter.  On her cheekbone, a magenta temporary tattoo-like imprint of each tooth.  The assailant had to be pulled off her face.  Miraculously, the skin was not broken.  No, it was not a pit bull or a doberman that pounced on my little girl.  It was a two and a half year old boy - the biter of her class.  And I have had enough.

Princess's teacher called me on Friday morning to tell me what happened.  She assured me that Princess was fine, and I have the luxury to verify that by the class webcam.  Miss P told me Princess did not provoke the attack at all.  She was simply sitting at her table coloring her picture when the biter gestured as if he was going to hug her.  He leaned in and bit her face.  My heart raced, but again Miss P said Princess was fine, but there would be a bruise.  In my mind I pictured a typical blue bruise, maybe the size of a quarter.  That is why I was completely unprepared for the reality of the redish/purple explosion on her cheekbone.  It left me speechless.  I fought back tears.  Princess, though, was her happy self so I did my best not to let my astonishment show.  I was sad, and then I was pissed.  

The Biter has attacked my daughter (and other children) before, but never like this one.  This one was bad.  Both my husband and I spoke to the director.  We think this child who has pattern of biting should be asked to leave the school.  If he doesn't, we will.  It is difficult enough sending my daughter to daycare, much less worry about the Hannibal Lecter who lingers nearby as she eats her turkey sandwich.      

And now my educator voice whispers in my ear....what kind of house must the Biter live in so that he feels the only way he can express his emotions and/or get attention is to chomp his teeth into some other kid's arm, back or face?  I do feel for the Biter.

But my mom voice yells even louder, "But he needs to stay away from my little girl."  

Saturday, February 16, 2008

(Woman sheepishly reenters her blog) Anyone here?

Wow, I suck....October, huh?  I was always going to get around to posting, but I feel as though I ran out of things to say.  Of course, I didn't.  It was just an excuse not to have to post.  Now I know no one is reading this anymore as I have left my few faithful readers down.  But I promise if you venture back....well I will try to make it worth your while.  I may even add a few pictures to make the page a bit more flashy!  I did get a sparkly new laptop for Christmas (yes, I am now a Mac owner) so I am anxious to try out all its bells and whistles.  

Anyway, it is odd that today is the day I decide to post.  I have spent this last week feeling really "off," and I have not been able to put my finger on why.  Yes, princess has been extra whiny this week.  True, work has been extra stressful.  I know, money is always a concern, especially after we drop a few grand on a weekend away (had to - it was for a wedding - ok, ok, didn't have to go to the spa for two treatments before the wedding, but let's not talk about that).  But something is tugging at me, making my eye twitch, my heart tighten and my stomach lurch.  Now I watched the Oprah on intuition so I know I should listen to the tug, but I am, damnit.  I just don't know what it is saying!  Talk to me intuity - talk to me!


Maybe it is just indigestion.