That's right, people, I'm talking about poop.
Who knew another person's bowel movements could create such angst or give me such satisfaction? Since the day she left my body, we talk about Princess's poop...a lot. Just to clarify, though, Princess has had some "digestion" issues since birth, so there was plenty of material to work with.
By the time my baby turned 3, though, I had hoped we would have shifted our topic focus. Alas, we have not. Now we just focus our conversation about where she did the doody - in a pull-up or on the potty? Every day I have to ask her teacher the same question, "Did she have a bowel movement today?" Every night as Princess rocks side-to-side while straining to hold the poopy inside her body, I have to explain that everybody goes poop. She requires I recall the long list of everyone we know who goes poop.
"Yes, Daddy goes poop. Mommy goes poop. Your teacher goes poop. Amanda goes poop. Mandie goes poop. The postman goes poop. Our dog goes poop. Even grandma does." And it goes on and on. Anyone my daughter has ever met must be included in the list.
Do you know how unsettling it is to think about everyone you know pooping? Sit with that for a moment, if you will.
Not pleasant, I know.
But Princess's poops continue to be my husband and mine most-frequently discussed topics (along with people who piss us off and world peace). And it looks as though it will be that way for many months in the future.
My friend just sent me your blog. I was just about to post about the same thing over by me. We have that same list as we sit on the potty around here. Only it's the list of people who will be "sooo proud of me" and who will give her a "poopy present" if she goes on the potty.
Alas, even with the extensive list of presents that she would receive, we have yet to poopy on the potty. *sigh*
Ah...the famous poopy present. Grandma has one ready to go should the big delivery happen in her toliet! Now if people would only give her "goober gifts" since she seems to enjoy putting her finger in her nose as of late. Gross.
Oh well, I know these will be problems we will long for when she is 15 and misses her curfew!
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